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About Leah

Rescuing animals has been a passion for our founder since she was a little girl and would bring home any animal that needed help, ranging from birds to snakes to cats and dogs.  Her love of animals was passed on to her children and the animals in the house comprised a miniature zoo- complete with chinchillas, ferrets, rabbits, cats and dogs! Leah often found herself on emergency runs to wildlife rehab with birds, baby bunnies, etc.  However, a constant for her home was being a safe and loving place for animals.

In December of 2017, Leah was diagnosed with T4 Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cancer. She subsequently underwent surgery and radiation and while recovering she found herself often scouring the lost and found pages on the internet and trying to match owners of lost pets up with parties who had located found pets. Once she was feeling better, she would offer to go scan stray pets for microchips and help to reunite them with their owners.

What she never expected was that in giving back to help animals, they would in turn give back to help her find her true passion and calling. Never one to let anything stand in her way, Leah found that with her new lease on life she could finally make her dreams become reality and that’s when she decided to form Bring Em Home Animal Rescue & Trapping.


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